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Чистокровные британские котята традиционных и редких окрасов от лучших британцев-произодителей, кровь лучших европейских питомников

Все наверняка читали их перевод, а это подлинник стандартов GCCF (Великобритания) на британскую короткошерстную породу кошек.



of the recognised Breeds of Cats as approved
by The Governing Council of the Cat Fancy.

General Type Standart

The British cat is compact, well balanced and powerful, showing good depth of body, a full broad chest, short strong legs, rounded paws, tail thick at base with rounded tip. The head is round with a good width between the ears, round cheeks, firm chin, small ears, large round and well-opened eyes and a short broad nose. The coat is short and dense.

HEAD — Roud face with full cheeks and good breadth of skull with round underlying bone structure. The head should be set on a short thick neck.

NOSE — The nose itself should be short, broad and straight. In profile, a rounded forehead should lead to a short, straight nose with a nose break which is neither too pronounced nor too shallow.

CHIN — A strong, firm and deep chin is essential. any deviationfrom this to be considered a fault. The bite MUST be level, the tip of the chin to line up with the tipof nose in the same vertical plane.

EARS — small, rounded at the tips. Set far apart fitting into (without distorting) the rounded contour of the head. External ear to be well covered with fur, internal furnishings not to be excessive.

EYES — Large,round and well-opened. Set wide apart with no tendency to Oriental shape. No squint.

BODY — Cobby type with short level back. Low on legs with broad deep chest. Equilly massive across the shoulders and the rump. Medium to large, but not rangy.

PAWS — Rownd and firm. Toes carried close. five on each forefoot (including dew claw) and four on each back foot.

TAIL — Should be thick and of medium length, thicker at the base with rounded tip.

COAT — Must be short, dense and crisp. A soft and/or over-long and fluffy coat is incorrect.

CONDIDIONS — Perfect physical condition, muscular with alert appearance.



Head and Ears………………………….20


Body,Legs and Paws……………..25


Coat: Texture and Lenght…..20


Total 100



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